- Forest Cover
- Aridity Index
- Elevation √
- Slope √
- Land Use/Land Cover
- Land Opportunity Cost
- Population Density
- Net Primary Productivity
- Soil Zoning Type √
- Potential Vegetation √
- Soil Vegetation Association √
- Fire Probability
- Bodies of Water √
- Urban Areas
- Deforestation Date √
So the model is constructed using constraints, which limit the alternative solutions under consideration, and factors, which "enhance or detract from the suitability of a specific alternative under consideration" (Eastman, 2006).
*APP = 100 meters of protected area on either side of rivers/streams
*The column of the left shows the data in its raw form and on the right the data has been "normalized." A normalized data set contains data using
*SVA = Soil Vegetation Association and is created by "intersecting" or "overlaying" soil data with vegetation data.
*SRTM = radar data that shows land elevation
In the diagram above, the warmer the color, the better the sight is for reforestation activities. Of course, this map will change as more data is found and inputted into the model.
But for now the model is workable, though far from its full potential...
Eastman, Ronald J. (2006). IDRISI Manual. Clark Labs, Clark University. Worcester, MA.